
"Destiny is finite that’s why you both love and hate the idea of it. The thing you most want is water and time. Be careful but also careless. Whatever you do, remember you are deeply loved and always will be."

My horoscope for the week. 

Water and time. 
Water: My home, my peace, my rest.
Time: To grieve, to accept, to heal. 

Careful and careless. 
Careful: With my heart, with my soul, with my thoughts.
Careless: With my radical love for others, with my love for laughter, with letting my curls down, free of restrain. 

Deeply loved and always will be. 
Deeply loved: By the strong old of the roots of family, by the Creator themself, by friendships that sustain.
Always will be: Even after the mistakes, even after the caused hurt, even after the scars. 


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